In the Face of Energy Savings

For an average supermarket store in the USA, the annual energy cost is $200,000. With refrigeration and lighting systems accounting for over 50 percent of the energy usage, there is ample opportunity for stores to reduce energy consumption and make a difference.

Econofrost night cover
Quick facts from Energy Star's Website:
  • US stores use around 50 kilowatt-hour of electricity
  • US stores use 50 cubic feet of natural gas per square ft per year
  • For an average store this represents 1,900 tons of CO2 emmissions
  • For an average store this represents 360 vehicle emissions in one year

Electricity charges are valued on two principle measures: demand and consumption. The amount of electricity that a grocery store consumes on a monthly basis is the consumption value (the dollar rate multipled by the total accrued kWh consumption).

Demand charges represent a percentage of the peak draw on the overall electrical system; it is the load on the system during "heavy use" times and is set by each utility company and varies with each market's economic and industry conditions.

Grocery stores and food markets use a great deal of energy however there are many tools and funding programs that support owners "sustainability initiatives".

"Adding Econofrost night shades to all the open-faced refrigerators in the store, we cut elctric consumption by 20 percent. That's a great savings!"
Ancona Market

In the face of rising energy costs, grocery retailers are stepping up and proving that each store really can make a difference.

How Much Energy Can Econofrost Night Covers Save You?

When Southern California Edison (SCE) tested Econofrost night covers, their results demonstrated that in order to be effective and achieve the maximum energy savings, a night cover MUST possess low-emissive properties:

Aluminum has exceptional low-emissive properties and absorbs very little radiated heat from the environment, reflecting it back to the surroundings. Low Emissive properties are used to reduce thermal conductivity by suppressing radiative heat flow.

Econofrost, with low emissivity wwoven aluminum fabric, reflects radiant energy and prevents it from entering the case, allowing more efficient refrigerated case operation. SCE reported that Econofrost night covers would reduce energy consumption by 36% per hour used. For grocery retailers, the savings in energy costs and improved product represent hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month!

Customers using Econofrost covers find product holding temperatures are stabilized and product freshness and appearance is maintained for longer shelf-life.

The Challenge of Rising Case & Product Temperatures
- Maintaining Food Safety Objectives

It is widely recognized throughout the industry that temperature and humidity management in open refrigerated display equipment can be challenging at best.

Cold air spill, warm air entrainment, heat radiation from in-store systems & lighting combined with full stocking levels make managing case and product temperatures difficult.

Econofrost night cover

During those hours the store is closed, Econofrost night covers keep cold air in the display case, reflects ambient head and radiation back into the store - ensuring longer product shelf life and allowing for a more comfortable and enjoyable shopping expereince for the customer the following day.

Refrigerated cases that currently do not use a night cover (or an improperly designed cover) may see discharge air temperatures as much as 15°F during the defrost periods which can cause product temperature to rise approximately 1°F.

Furthermore, without the proper thermal and reflective barrier, product temperature will continue to rise until the defrost cycle completes and the discharge air drops below that of the product. However, when product temperatures remain at a constant near the discharge air temperature, the product integrity is maintained and its shelf life is extended creating tremendous savings in reduced shrink and discard - resulting in savings that can often surpass the energy savings!

Econofrost Night Covers Generates the Greatest in Energy Savings

Econofrost night covers are constructed drawing on over 30 years of industry experience. Every Econofrost model is manufactured for both durability and sustainability.

Using only the best, perforated woven aluminum fabric, Econofrost provides an effective thermal barrier that keeps case and product temperatures cool while reducing the load on the refrigeration system. The result is uncomparable energy savings and undeniable product freshness.

Econofrost was independently tested by Southern Calfiornia Edison at their refrigeration lab in Irwindale California. This test concluded that it was indeed the quality craftsmanship of Econofrost night covers and the emissivity & reflectvity qualities of the woven fabric that ensured Econofrost night covers saved a minimum of 36 percent in energy per hour used.

In addition, their findings also demonstrated further additional benefits even when the night covers were retracted during the day - case and product temperatures remained cool for up to 15 hours after!

Roll Out the Savings with Econofrost Night Covers Today!

Say "Yes" to savings on every energy bill.
Econofrost refrigeration covers are an ideal and profitable investment for any supermarket store.

For More Information

For more information, please call today at 1-800-519-1222 (USA & Canada) or 1-250-743-1222 (International).

Find Us Online

More product info online: Econofrost website or visit the company site: Market Group Ventures

grocery case night cover installation